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德国耶拿大学Jiong Guo教授学术报告

发布时间:2014-04-15 编辑: 来源:7003全讯白菜

Speaker: Prof. Jiong Guo, University of Jena, Germany
Host: Prof. Zhu Daming
Time: 10:00 am, April 15, 2014
Venue: Seminar Room 1, High Performance Computing Center, Software Park Campus
Abstract: Computational study of voting problems is a relatively young interdisciplinary research area that brings together researchers from fields like artificial intelligence, decision theory, discrete mathematics, mathematical economics, operations research, political sciences, social choice, and theoretical computer science. The main objective is to improve our understanding of social choice mechanisms and of algorithmic decision making. Voting problems carry many natural parameters, obviously including the number of candidates and the number of votes. There are real-world scenarios for each of them having small values. Hence, the analysis of parameterized computational complexity comes into play. This talk will discuss some recent developments concerning parameterized complexity of voting problems and propose three challenges and several open problems for future research.
Bio: Dr. Jiong Guo received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science with first class honors from UESTC in 1992. PhD degree in Computer Science from Jena University in 2006. He is now a professor in Jena University in Germany. His primary research interest is Algorithms. In particular Fixed-parameter algorithms and approximation algorithms. Besides, his research areas contain Graph Problems, Comb. Optimiz, Comp. Social Choice and comp. Biology. He has authored over 45 Journal Articles as in ACM SCIGACT News, ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Algorithmica, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Journal of Computer and System Science, Information and Computation, Networks, Nucleic Acids Research, Theoretical Computer Science, etc. Authored of 61 Contributions in Conference Proceedings as for AAAI, AAMAS, ALENEX, CPM, ESA, ICALPISAACSTACS,SWAT,WADS,WG, etc. Dr. Jiong Guo is Co-organizer of a Dagstuhl-seminar and Program committee member of 10 international conferences.




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